Word spread very quickly about Dan's tumor and surgery and the loving support that came from being so open about his diagnosis has really kept our heads above water. Every time we see different friends for the first time they can't believe that only 8 weeks ago he had brain surgery. His spirits are high, he looks great, and all of us couldn't be more thankful that things turned out as they did.
In a recent talk we heard, it was said that people who have gone through trials are often the most pleasant people to be around. They have empathy and fellow feeling. A type of understanding that can help comfort you. Never having had gone through this kind of trial before, we couldn't agree more. The whole journey from the diagnosis, to surgical consults, to pre-operative work ups, to a last minute second opinion that lead to emergency surgery - has helped us to become more understanding of the stress, anxiety, and sometimes utter paralysis that can come from enduring a health challenge or any other challenge for that matter. Being here at this end of the journey has left us with a true sense of gratitude for all that we have been given. It almost makes you speechless.
Life has taught us lots of new lessons. We were fortunate to have such a good outcome. However, I can honestly say that through all of what Dan has been through he had such an amazing attitude that I can't help but admire. He never felt bad for himself or asked, "Why me?" He endured through it all and kept a content and optimistic attitude. I think it was this positive attitude toward his trial (and maybe one ounce of pure stubbornness....am I wrong??) that got him through it all. No matter what comes our way it's my hope that we can hold on to this same mental attitude.
"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."
- Martha Washington